Lab Tests Preparation
Fasting 12 -14 hours.
- Fasting Blood Glucose: fast 8-12 hours
- Postprandial Blood Glucose: The patient eats his regular meal or 75g glucose (within 10-15 minutes) with his regular medications then a blood test is taken after 2 hrs fasting.
A fasting blood sample is withdrawn after fasting 8 – 10 hours , then an oral glucose dose of 75 gm is given and 4 blood samples are taken every 30 minutes without any effort for 2 hours.
A fasting blood sample is withdrawn after fasting 8 – 10 hours, then an oral glucose dose of 100 g is given and 3 blood samples are taken every 60 minutes without any effort for 3 hrs.
The patient is given a dose of 50 gm glucose then a blood sample is taken after an hour.
- Fasting: blood sample should be taken after fasting for 8 – 10 hrs
- Postprandial sample: blood sample should be taken after either a regular meal (eaten in 10-15 minutes) or 75 gm oral glucose.
Fasting 8-10 hours is required.
Blood sample should be taken on the second or the third day of the menstrual cycle or up on doctor’s request.
A blood morning sample is taken at 8.5 – 9 am (ACTH am) and another one at 6-9 pm (ACTH pm).
A morning blood sample is taken at 8.30- 9 am (Cortisol am) and another one at 6-9 pm (Cortisol pm).
- Morning blood sample is taken at 8.30-9 am after overnight fasting for 10-12 hours
- Exercise for 20 minutes
- Relax for another 20 minutes and a second sample is taken. (clonidine effect is similar to exercise but it must be taken under supervision of the physician).
Patient must take dexamethazone tablet (1 mg) at 11 pm and a blood sample is taken at 8.5 -9 am on the next day.
A morning blood sample is taken at 8.30-10 am after laying down for 20-30 minutes.
- Stop taking diuretics, estrogens, hypertension medications, sodium rich food, caffeine, liquorice and tobacco for 2-3 weeks.
- Morning blood sample is taken at 8.5 -10 am after laying down for 20-30 minutes.
- Avoid taking nuts, vanilla, tea, caffeine, bananas and hypertension medications (unless doctor says otherwise) for 3-4 days before taking the sample.
- Morning blood sample is taken from the patient after laying down for 20- 30 minutes.
A blood sample should be collected 12 hours after the last dose and immediately prior to the next dose or as directed by the physician.
- Trough level: Blood sample is withdrawn 15 minutes or less before the dose.
- Peak level: Blood sample is withdrawn 2-4hrs after the dose.
Blood sample is taken from pregnant women at the 11th to the 14th weeks of pregnancy.
Blood sample is taken from pregnant women at the 15th to the 22nd weeks of pregnancy.
Blood sample should be taken one month after attack (signs of Jaundice and hemolysis) unless doctor asks otherwise.
Patients must stop anticoagulants (Warfarin (Marivan), Heparine and Heparine Substitutes) for 1 week (if possible and under their doctor’s supervision)
- Fasting for 12 hours.
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to the test.
- Stop taking certain stomach medications for several days prior to the test. (up on doctor’s request)
Fasting for 12 hours is required.
Fasting for 12 hours is required.
- Fasting for 6 hours before the test.
- Avoid taking stomach medications and antacids for 1 week before the test.
- Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before the test.
- Avoid sexual intercourse for 2 days before the test.
- Don’t wash the vagina for 1 day before the test.
- Wash hands and genitals well with water and soap then with water only.
- Urinate first drops of urine into the toilet, then the remainder in the sterilized container (taken from the lab).
- Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before test.
- In case of sample is taken outside the lab, it must be delivered to lab within 1 hour.
- Patient is instructed to rinse his mouth with water prior to collection.
- Avoid eating for 1-2 hours before the sample is collected.
- Cough out sputum in sterile container.
- Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before the test.
First morning urine sample without doing any physical effort.
Second morning urine Sample is required.
- 24 hours urine sample is collected in a special container (taken from lab).
- Avoid eating Calcium and gelatin containing products for at least 24 hours before the test .
- 24 hours urine sample is collected in a special container (taken from lab).
- Avoid eating pineapple, plum, kiwi, nuts, avocados, bananas and tomatoes for 48 hours before the collection.
- 24 hours urine sample is collected in a special container (taken from lab).
- Avoid consumption of vanilla, bananas, tea, caffeine, chocolate, nuts and hypertension medications (unless doctor asks otherwise) for 3-4 days before collection.
- Sexual abstinence for 2-5 days before sample collection.
- Semen sample is collected in a sterile container provided by the lab.
- Avoid contact of water or soap with the sample.
- Sexual abstinence for 3 days prior to analysis.
- Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before the test
- Avoid prostate examination for 3 days before the test
Stop antibiotics for at least 3 days before sample collection.
- The patient starts to urinate in the toilet at a certain time of the day and record this time.
- All samples after this time will be carefully collected into the container, taking care not to miss any amount till the next day (after exactly 24 hours from the previously recorded time).
- It is preferred to keep the container in the refrigerator during the collection period and after completing the procedure till it reaches the lab.
- Exercise should be avoided before the test.
- Blood sample should be withdrawn without tourniquet.
- All Previous Instructions are applied at our labs, otherwise described by the physician.
- Instructions that include stopping any Medications must be under supervision of your health care provider.
- Smoking is not permitted during fasting hours. Only water is allowed.
Lab Tests Menu
Tests Start with A
ACTH ( am after dose ) |
ACTH ( am) |
ACTH ( pm) |
ACTH (Synacthen) Test |
ADH (Antidiuretic hormone) |
AFB For T.B (any sample) |
AFB For TB ( 3 samples ) |
AFP ( Pregnancy ) |
Albumin |
AMA ( Anti Mitochondrial Ab) |
ANA ( by ELISA ) |
ANA (by IF) |
ANA Profile |
ASMA ( Anti-smooth muscle antibody ) |
AZF (Y Chromosome Microdeletions) |
Acetylcholine Receptor Ab |
Acid Phosphatase – Prostatic |
Acid Phosphatase Total |
Acti – Fibro Test |
Activated protein C-resistance (APCR) |
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) |
Adrenaline in blood |
Adrenaline in urine |
Albumin / Creatinine ratio |
Albumin in 24hr Urine |
Alcohol (Saliva) |
Aldolase |
Aldosterone |
Aldosterone in urine |
Aldosterone/Renin |
Alkaline phosphatase |
Alkaline phosphatase Isoenzymes |
Allergy Inhalant |
Allergy Panel |
Allergy food |
Alpha – Thalassemia PCR |
Alpha 1- Anti trypsin (serum) |
Alpha 1- Anti trypsin in Stool |
Alpha 2 macroglobulin |
Alpha glucosidase semen |
Alpha1- Anti trypsin (serum) |
Aluminium ( blood ) |
Aminogram Qualitative (Blood + Urine) |
Aminogram Quantitative (Blood) |
Ammonia |
Amphetamine |
Amylase |
Amyloid A |
Anaerobic Culture |
Androstendione |
Anion Gap |
Anti – Histone Ab |
Anti -thyroglobulin Ab |
Anti CCP |
Anti Cardiac muscle Ab |
Anti Centromere |
Anti DNA (IF) |
Anti DNA -Ds |
Anti Endomysial Ab (EMA) |
Anti Endomysial IgA |
Anti Endomysial IgG |
Anti Epidermal cell Ab |
Anti Perinuclear Ab (APF) |
Anti GAD Ab |
Anti GP2-IgA (Anti-Glycprotein-2 IgA) |
Anti GP2-IgG (Anti-Glycprotein-2 IgG) |
Anti Gastric Parietal Ab |
Anti Gliadin IgA |
Anti Gliadin IgG |
Anti Intrinsic factor (Ab) |
Anti Jo1 |
Anti Keratin Ab (AKA) |
Anti Leukocyte Ab |
Anti MCV |
Anti MOG Ab ( Anti-Myelin oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Ab) |
Anti Microsomal Ab |
Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) |
Anti RH Ab |
Anti RNP |
Anti Renal tubule Ab |
Anti Reticulin |
Anti Ribosomal Ab |
Anti SCL 70 (Anti Topoisomerase I) |
Anti SLA (Anti-Soluble Liver Ag Ab) |
Anti Skeletal Muscle Abs |
Anti TPO |
Anti TSH Receptor Ab |
Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA |
Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG |
Anti jo-1 |
Anti-Cardiolipin IgG |
Anti-Cardiolipin IgM |
Anti-DGP IgA (Anti Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA) |
Anti-DGP IgG (Anti Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG) |
Anti-HEV (total) |
Anti-LKM Ab |
Anti-PLA2R (Anti-Phospholipase A2 receptor ) |
Anti-Phospholipid -IgG |
Anti-Phospholipid -IgM |
Anti-SS-A/Ro |
Anti-SS-B/La |
Anti-Smith (Sm) |
Anti-Sperm Ab |
Anti-Sperm Ab IgA |
Anti-Sperm Ab IgG |
Anti-glomerular basement membrane ( Anti GBM ) |
Antithrombin III |
Apolipoprotein A1 |
Apolipoprotein B |
Apolipoprotein E |
Aquaporin-4 Ab (AQP4) |
Arsenic ( Blood ) |
Ascitic Fluid Culture |
Aspergillus Fumigatus IgG |
Tests start with B
B – Thalassemia PCR |
B2 glycoprotein IgG |
B2 glycoprotein IgM |
B2 microglobulin, serum |
B2 microglobulin, urine |
BUN/Creatinine Ratio |
Barbiturates |
Bartonella henselae Ab |
Bence Jones Protein |
Benzodiazepenes |
Beta HCG |
Beta HCG(Tumor) |
Beta trace protein |
Beta-2 transferrin |
Beta-glucan |
Bicarbonate (HCO3) |
Bile Salts in urine |
Bile acids – Serum |
Bilharzial Ag – Urine |
Bilharzial Antibody |
Bilirubin – Direct |
Bilirubin – Total |
Bioavailable Testosterone |
Biological Fluid |
Bleeding time & Cloting time |
Blood Culture |
Blood Gases |
Blood Group |
Bone Alkaline Phosphatase |
Bone Marrow Examination |
Bronchial Lavage Culture |
Brucella – IgG |
Brucella – IgM |
Brucella abortus |
Brucella melitensis |
Tests start with C
C- Peptide in urine |
C-1 Esterase inhibitor level |
C-Peptide (Fasting) |
C-Peptide (P.P) |
C-Peptide (Random) |
C-Peptide After 2 Hrs. |
C-Peptide after 1 hr |
C-Peptide after 1/2 hour |
C2 |
C3 |
C4 |
C5 |
CA 125 |
CA 15.3 |
CA 19.9 |
CA 242 |
CA 27.29 |
CA 72.4 |
Calcium |
Calcium “Urine” |
Calcium / Creatinine ratio |
Calcium in 24hr urine |
Calcitonin |
Calprotectin in stool |
Cannabinoids |
Capillary Fragility Test |
Casein IgG |
CBC (0-3) M |
CBC (4 – 6 ) M |
CBC (7- 9) M |
CBC (cat) |
CBC (dog) |
CD 117 |
CD20 |
CD38 |
CD4 / CD8 |
CD55 |
CD59 |
CDT (Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin ) |
CH50 |
CK – MB |
CK – MM |
CK – Total |
CK-MB (mass) |
CLL screen panel ( Fish) |
CMV – IgG |
CMV – IgM |
CSF Culture |
CSF Examination |
CYFRA 21 |
Ceruloplasmin |
Chlamydia IgA |
Chlamydia IgG |
Chlamydia IgM |
Chlamydia Trach. Ag. |
Chloride Serum ( (كلوراید |
Chloride in 24hrs urine |
Cholesterol serum |
Cholinesterase ( (تحلیل كولین استیراز) |
cHr |
Chromium ( Blood ) |
Chromogranin A |
Citrate in 24h Urine |
Clostridium difficile enterotoxin |
Cocaine |
Cold Agglutinins |
Collagen Panel disease (ANA profile) |
Colony count |
Coombs’ Test “Indirect” |
Copper in 24 hr urine |
Copper serum |
Cortisol in 24h urine |
Cortisol ( Basal ) |
Cortisol (Basal) (Animals) |
Cortisol 2hr after Hydrocortisone dose |
Cortisol 8 hr After Synacthen |
Cortisol 90 min After Synacthen |
Cortisol ( pm) |
Cortisol (am) |
Cortisol (am) after low dose dexamethasone |
Cortisol (am) after prolonged low dose dexamethasone |
Cortisol 1 hr After Synacthen |
Cortisol 1/2 hr After Synacthen |
Cortisol 2 hr After Synacthen |
Cortisol 24 hr After Synacthen |
Cortisol 4 hr After Synacthen |
Cortisol After high dose Dexamethazone |
Cortisol after 4 hr (Animals) |
Cortisol after 8 hr (Animals) |
Covid 19 Ag ( Swab ) |
Covid Abs ( IgM & IgG) |
Creatinine |
Creatinine (+ clearance) ….. |
Creatinine Clearance |
CRP (Quantitative) |
Cryoglobulin |
Culture & Sensitivity |
Culture + Fungus + Gram Stain+ eosinophils |
Culture – Sensitivity ( + Anaerobic ) |
Culture And Sensitivity |
Cyclosporine (Sandimmune) |
Cystatin C |
Cystine in urine |
cytology |
Tests start with D
D-Dimer |
D-Xylose Test |
DNA Fragmentation ( semen) (DNA Integrity) |
Depakene (Valproic acid) Trough |
Depakene (Valproic acid) Peak |
Dexamethazone Suppression (prolonged low dose) |
Dexamethazone Test (low dose suppresion test ) |
Digoxin |
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) |
Dopamine Beta hydroxylase |
Dopamine in blood |
Dopamine in urine |
Double Marker.. |
Drug Abuse (Screening) |
Dysmorphic RBCs. |
Tests start with E
E2 – Estradiol |
E2 / Testosterone Ratio |
EBV (IgG) |
EBV PCR Quantitative |
EBV (IgM) |
EBV – EA – IgG |
EBV by Immunofluorescence |
e-GFR ( creatinine) |
ENA profile |
ER (Estrogen Receptor) |
EndoCervical Culture |
Ent. Histolytica IgG |
Ent. Histolytica IgM |
Ent. histolytica Ab |
Ent. histolytica Ag (Stool) |
Eosinophils in urine |
Erythropoietin (EPO) |
Extended culture & sensitivity |
Extended neurometabolic screening |
Tests start with F
FDP’s |
FMF PCR Quantitative |
Factor II |
Factor IX |
Factor IX Assay |
Factor V |
Factor VII Assay |
Factor VIII Assay |
Factor X Assay |
Factor XI Assay |
Fasciola – IgM |
Fasciola – IgG |
Fasciola Ab |
Fat globules in stool |
Fat in stool (Quantitative) |
Ferritin |
Fibrinogen |
Fibro MAX |
Fibrosis 4 Score |
Filaria Abs |
Filaria Ag |
Filaria film |
Film for Babesia (Animals) |
Film for Borrelia (Animals) |
Film for Consultation. |
Film for Ehrlichia(Animals) |
Film for Leishmania |
Film for Malaria |
Film for Parasites (Animals) |
Food panel 50 |
Fractional Excretion of Na (FENa) |
Fractionated Metanephrine in urine |
Fragile X syndrome. |
Free Kappa Light Chain (Serum) |
Free Kappa Light Chain (Urine) |
Free Lambda Light Chain (Urine) |
Free Lambda Light Chain (serum) |
Free Metanephrine ( Plasma ) |
Free Normetanephrine ( Plasma ) |
Free protein S |
Free T3 |
Free T4 |
Fructosamine |
Fructose (semen) |
Fungus Culture |
Film for Borrelia (Animals) |
Tests start with G
G6PD Quantitative |
GAGs in urine |
GH (after Exercise) |
GH 30 min after glucose |
GH 60 min after glucose |
GH 90 min after glucose |
GH 1.5hr after 75gm glucose |
GH 1/2hr after 75gm glucose |
GH 120 min after clonidine |
GH 120 min after glucose |
GH 1hr after 75gm glucose |
GH 2hr after 75gm glucose |
GH 30 min after clonidine |
GH 60 min after clonidine |
GH 90 min after clonidine |
Galactomannan Ag for Aspergillus |
Gastrin |
Giardia Ag (stool) |
Globulin Serum |
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) |
Glucose “Fasting” |
Glucose “P.P.” |
Glucose “Random” |
Glucose / Insulin Ratio |
Glucose 1/2 hr after 100g |
Glucose 1hr P.P |
Glucose 1hr after 100g Glucose |
Glucose 1hr before dinner |
Glucose 1hrs after 50g Glucose |
Glucose 1hrs after 75g Glucose |
Glucose 2hr after lunch |
Glucose 2hrs after 100g Glucose |
Glucose 2hrs after 50g Glucose |
Glucose 2hrs after 75g Glucose |
Glucose 3hrs after 100g Glucose |
Glucose 3hrs after 75g Glucose |
Glucose After 2. 1/2 Hours |
Glucose Curve |
Glucose Suppression of Growth Hormone test |
Glucose1h after (50g). |
Gluten IgG |
GnRH Stimulation Test |
Gram Stain |
Growth Hormone ( Basal ) |
Growth Hormone (9 am) |
Growth Hormone (9 pm) |
Tests start with H
H.Pylori Ab line |
HBV PCR Quantitative |
HBV PCR in Mononuclear cells |
HBc Ab ( Total ) |
HBc IgG |
HBc IgM |
HBe Ab |
HBe Ag |
HBs Ab |
HBsAg II |
HCV – IgM |
HCV – RNA – PCR (Quantitative) |
HCV Ab |
HCV Genotyping |
HCV PCR in Mononuclear cells |
HCV- RNA PCR (Qualitative)– نوعى |
HDL-Cholesterol |
HDV – Ag |
HDV – IgM |
HDV-Total |
HEV – IgG |
HEV – IgM |
HIV – Ab |
HLA DQ typing ( PCR for HLA-DQ2/DQ8) |
HLA type I (A & B ) |
HLA B5 |
HLA type II (DR) |
HLA-B 5 (51) |
HLA-B27 |
HOMA – IR . |
Haemoglobin |
Haemoglobin (0-3) |
Haemoglobin (4 – 6) |
Haemoglobin (7-9) |
Ham’s test |
Haptoglobin |
Hs-CRP |
Helicobacter Pylori Ab |
Helicobacter Pylori Ag ( stool ) |
Helicobacter Pylori IgA |
Helicobacter Pylori IgG |
Helicobacter pylori IgM |
Hematocrit (PCV) |
Hematocrit (PCV)(cat) |
Hematocrit (PCV)(dog) |
Hematocrit (PCV)1-12 |
Hematocrit (PCV)13-25 |
Hematocrit (PCV)>25 |
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis |
Hemoglobinuria |
Hemosiderin “Urine” |
Heroin |
Herpes Zoster IgG |
Herpes Zoster IgM |
Herpes-IgG ( HSV 1,2 IgG) |
Herpes-IgM (HSV 1,2 IgM) |
High dose Dexamethazone suppression test |
Histopathology specific |
Homocysteine |
Homocystinuria |
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 16 & 18 |
Hydatid Ab |
Hydroxycorticosterone |
Hypo-osmotic swelling test ( hos test ) |
Tests start with I
IGF-1 |
IL 28 B genotype |
Icterus Index |
IgA serum |
IgD (Immunoglobulin D) |
IgE Serum |
IgG – CSF |
IgG Index |
IgG Serum |
IgG-1 (Immunoglobulin IgG1) |
IgG-2 (Immunoglobulin IgG2) |
IgG-3 (Immunoglobulin IgG3) |
IgG-4 (Immunoglobulin IgG4) |
IgM Serum |
Immunofixation ( Serum) |
Immunofixation (Urine) |
Immunohistochemistry : AFP |
Immunohistochemistry for P63 |
Immunohistochemistry for PSA |
Immunohistochemistry: CK19 |
Immunohistochemistry: CK8/18 |
Immunophenotyping |
Influenza Screen |
Inhibin A |
Inhibin B |
Insulin 1hr after 75 gm |
Insulin 2hrs after 75 gm |
Insulin ( P.P ) |
Insulin (Fasting ) |
Insulin (Random) |
Insulin 2 hr after breakfast |
Insulin 2 hr after lunch |
Insulin After 1 1/2 hrs |
Insulin After 1/2 hrs |
Insulin After 1/2 hrs (75Gluose) |
Insulin After 2 1/2hrs |
Insulin After 3hrs |
Intact PTH (PTH 1-84) |
Interleukin 6 ( IL-6 ) |
Ionized Calcium |
Iron |
Tests start with J
JAK-2 mutation |
Tests start with K
K+ (Potassium) |
KOH Smear(Candida) |
Karyotyping |
Ketone bodies in blood |
Ki67 |
Tests start with L
L-Carnitine |
LDL -Cholesterol |
LDL -Cholestrol ( Direct ) |
LE cells |
LH |
LH / FSH ratio |
Lactate (blood) |
Lactate In CSF |
Lactoferrin |
Lead ( Hair ) |
Lead (blood) |
Left Ear Culture |
left Eye Culture |
Left nasal swab Culture |
Leishmania Ab |
Leptin |
Leptospira IgG |
Leptospira IgM |
Levetiracetam (Keppra) |
Lipase |
Lipid Profile |
Lipid Profile (VLDL) |
Lipogram |
Lipoprotein (a) |
Lithium |
Long acting synacthen stimulation test |
Lupus Anticoagulant (LA1/LA2) |
Lymphocyte subsets |
Tests start with M
M2-PK (Schebo test) |
MAR test (Direct) |
MAR test (Indirect) |
MRSA screen 1 |
MRSA screen 2 |
MRSA screen 3 |
Malaria Abs |
Malignant cells |
Measles – IgG |
Measles – IgM |
Mercury (Blood) |
Mercury in Hair |
Metanephrine “Urine” |
Methadone |
Methamphetamine |
Methotrexate |
Mg |
Mg in 24 hr urine |
Microalbumin |
Mixing study |
Monospot Test |
Morphine |
Mumps IgM |
Mumps – IgG |
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Urealyticum |
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma culture |
Myoglobin |
Tests start with N
NGAL ( Neutrophil Gilatinase- associated Lipocalin) |
Na (Sodium) |
Na in 24 hr Urine |
Nasal Disch. Culture |
Neisseria gonorrhea culture |
Neonatal Metabolic Screening |
Nipple Discharge |
Noradrenaline in blood |
Noradrenaline in urine |
Normetanephrine in urine |
Tests start with O
Occult Blood in Stool |
Occult Blood in Stool (1) |
Occult Blood in Stool (2) |
Occult Blood in Stool (3) |
Oligoclonal bands in CSF |
Opiates |
Oral G.T.T.C After 100gmGloucse |
Oral G.T.T.C After 75gm Gloucse |
Osmolality (Urine) |
Osmolality in blood |
Osmotic Fragility |
Osteocalcin |
Overnight Dexamethasone suppression test |
Oxalate in 24h Urine |
Oxalate/ Cr |
Tests start with P
PCP (Phencyclidine) |
PCR BCR-ABL (Quantitative) |
PCR For TB |
PCR for CMV |
PCR for HSV |
PCR for Lactase and Aldolase B gene mutation |
PCR for MTHFR mutation (C677T & A1298C) |
PCR for NH |
PCR for NTM ( Nontuberculous mycobacteria) |
PCR for PTH – Factor V Leiden – MTHFR |
PCR for TB in Mononuclear cells |
PH of blood |
PML/RARA (15-17Translocation) |
PNH ( CD55/CD59) by flow |
PR (Progesterone Receptor) |
PRA class I & II |
Protein Total Serum |
PRP ( 1 Knee/shoulder) 1 |
PRP ( 2 knees) ركبتین |
PRP ( eye drops ) نقط عین |
PRP ( face/hair) الوجھ والشعر |
Prolactin |
PSA – Total |
PSA – Free |
PSA Complexed (cPSA) |
Pancreatic Elastase in stool |
Parvovirus IgM |
Pathological Ex. (Large) |
Pathological Ex. (Medium) |
Pathological Ex. (Small) |
Paul Bunnel |
Pepsin in salive |
Peri-anal swab (film for oxyuris) |
Perianal Swab Culture |
Perianal Swab Examination |
Pericardial culture |
Pharyngeal Swab Culture |
Phenylalanine (Blood) |
Phenylketonuria |
Phenytoin (Epanutine) Peak |
Phenytoin (Epanutine) Trough |
Philadelphia chromosome |
Phosphorus / creatinine |
Phosphorus Serum |
Phosphorus in 24 hr urine |
Platelet Ab, Direct |
Platelet Ab, Indirect |
Platelet Function test |
Platelets Count |
Platelets Count 1-12 |
Platelets Count(cat) |
Platelets Count(dog) |
Platelets Count13-25 |
Platelets Count>25 |
Pleural Culture |
Porphobilinogen |
Post Nasal Disch. Culture |
Potassuim in 24hr urine |
Pre-albumin |
Pregnancy (Blood) |
Pregnancy test in urine |
Pro BNP |
Procalcitonin |
Progesterone |
Prolactin with PEG ( Macroprolactin ) |
Prostatic Culture |
Protein / Creatinine ratio |
Protein C |
Protein Electrophoresis |
Protein S |
PT |
Pus culture |
Pyruvate (Blood) |
Pyruvate Kinase |
Pyruvate in CSF |
Tests start with Q
Quantiferon test for TB |
Tests start with R
RBCs |
RBCs Folate |
RBCs(cat) |
RBCs(dog) |
RBCs1-12 |
RBCs13-25 |
RBCs>25 |
RH |
Rheumatoid Factor (RF) (Quantitative) |
Rose-waaler |
Rectal Swab Culture |
Reducing substances in stool |
Reducing substances in urine |
Renin |
Reticulocytes. |
Riba Test for ( HCV) |
Right Ear Culture |
Right Eye Culture |
Rota virus antigen in stool |
rT3 |
Rubella IgG |
Rubella IgG Avidity |
Rubella IgM |
Tests start with S
SCC Ag ( squamous cell carcinoma Antigen) |
SM Ab |
Salmonella in stool |
Semen ( CASA ) |
Semen Culture |
Serotonin |
Sezary syndrome Panel |
Sickling Test |
Skin scrapping test |
Soluble Transferrin Receptor |
Specific IgE for Aspergillus |
Specific IgE for Banana |
Specific IgE for Barely |
Specific IgE for Casein |
Specific IgE for Chocolate |
Specific IgE for Egg |
Specific IgE for Egg white |
Specific IgE for Egg yolk |
Specific IgE for Fish |
Specific IgE for Gluten |
Specific IgE for Hazelnut |
Specific IgE for Lemon |
Specific IgE for Mango |
SCC Ag ( squamous cell carcinoma Antigen) |
SM Ab |
Salmonella in stool |
Semen ( CASA ) |
Semen Culture |
Serotonin |
Sezary syndrome Panel |
Sickling Test |
Skin scrapping test |
Soluble Transferrin Receptor |
Specific IgE for Aspergillus |
Specific IgE for Banana |
Specific IgE for Barely |
Specific IgE for Casein |
Specific IgE for Chocolate |
Specific IgE for Egg |
Specific IgE for Egg white |
Specific IgE for Egg yolk |
Specific IgE for Fish |
Specific IgE for Gluten |
Specific IgE for Hazelnut |
Specific IgE for Lemon |
Specific IgE for Mango |
Specific IgE for Milk |
Specific IgE for Orange |
Specific IgE for Peanuts |
Specific IgE for Pineappale |
Specific IgE for Soybean |
Specific IgE for Strawberry |
Specific IgE for Tuna |
Specific IgE for Wheat |
Specific stain |
Sperm Ab ( semen ) |
Sperm Ab ( serum ) |
Sputum Culture |
Stone Analysis |
Stool + pH |
Stool Analysis |
Stool Analysis (3 Sample) |
Stool Culture |
Stool with special stain |
Synacthen long acting test for cortisol |
Synacthen short test for cortisol |
Synacthen test for 17-OH Progesterone |
Synovial Fluid Analysis |
Synovial Fluid Culture |
Syphilis Ab |
Tests start with T
T.P.H.A |
T3+T4 |
TB Ab |
THC (Bango/Hashish) |
Tacrolimus (FK506 or Prograf) |
Tegretol (Carbamazepine) Peak |
Tegretol (Carbamazepine)Trough |
Testosterone |
Testosterone-Free |
Throat Swab Culture |
Thrombin time |
Thyroglobulin |
Tongue Swab Culture |
Tonsilar Swab Culture |
Total Kappa Light Chain ( urine ) |
Total Lambda Light Chain ( urine ) |
Toxocara canis Ab |
Toxoplasma IgG |
Toxoplasma IgG Avidity |
Toxoplasma IgM |
Tramadol |
Transferrin |
Transferrin Saturation |
Triglycerides Serum |
Trileptal (Oxcarbazepine) |
Triple Test …. |
Troponin T (high sensitive) |
Troponin I |
Tuberculin Test |
Tests start with U
Ulcer Swab Culture |
Urea |
Urea Breath test (H.Pylori) |
Urea Clearance |
Uretheral disch. Examination |
Uretheral disch. culture |
Uric acid |
Uric Acid in 24 hr Urine |
Uric acid / creatinine |
Urinary Phenylketonuria |
Urine ( postcoital) |
Urine + Dysmorphic RBCs |
Urine Analysis |
Urine Culture |
Urine Culture & Colony Count |
Urine Myoglobin |
Urine Volume + Sp. gravity |
Urine analysis + colony count |
Urine cytology. |
Ulcer Swab Culture |
Urea Breath test (H.Pylori) |
Urea Clearance |
Uretheral disch. Examination |
Uretheral disch. culture |
Uric Acid in 24 hr Urine |
Uric acid / creatinine |
Urinary Phenylketonuria |
Urine ( postcoital) |
Urine + Dysmorphic RBCs |
Urine Analysis |
Urine Culture |
Urine Culture & Colony Count |
Urine Myoglobin |
Urine Volume + Sp. gravity |
Urine analysis + colony count |
Urine cytology. |
Tests start with V
VLDL – Cholesterol |
VMA. |
Vaginal swab. Culture |
Varicella (chicken pox)-IgG |
Varicella (chicken pox)-IgM |
Viscosity – Blood |
Vit D total (25-Hydroxyvitamin D) |
Vitamin B12 |
Von Willebrand factor ( Activity ) |
Von Willebrand factor ( Concentration ) |
Tests start with W
WBCs |
WBCs 1-12 |
WBCs(cat) |
WBCs(dog) |
WBCs.Total & Differential |
WBCs13-25 |
WBCs>25 |
Widal Test |
Tab Content
Tests start with Z
ZAP 70 |
Zinc – Serum |
Zinc – Urine |