
Marzouk Labs


Lab Tests Preparation

Fasting 12 -14 hours.

  • Fasting Blood Glucose: fast 8-12 hours
  • Postprandial Blood Glucose: The patient eats his regular meal or 75g glucose (within 10-15 minutes) with his regular medications then a blood test is taken after 2 hrs fasting.

A fasting blood sample is withdrawn after fasting 8 – 10 hours , then an oral glucose dose of 75 gm is given and 4 blood samples are taken every 30 minutes without any effort for 2 hours.

A fasting blood sample is withdrawn after fasting 8 – 10 hours, then an oral glucose dose of 100 g is given and 3 blood samples are taken every 60 minutes without any effort  for 3 hrs.

The patient is given a dose of 50 gm glucose then a blood sample is taken after an hour.

  • Fasting: blood sample should be taken after fasting for 8 – 10 hrs
  • Postprandial sample: blood sample should be taken after  either a regular meal (eaten in 10-15 minutes) or  75 gm oral glucose.

Fasting 8-10 hours is required.

Blood sample should be taken on the second or the third day of the menstrual cycle or up on doctor’s request.

A blood morning sample is taken at 8.5 – 9 am (ACTH am)  and another one at 6-9 pm (ACTH pm).

A morning blood sample is taken at 8.30- 9 am (Cortisol am) and another one at 6-9 pm (Cortisol pm).

  • Morning blood sample is taken at 8.30-9 am after overnight fasting for 10-12 hours
  • Exercise for 20 minutes
  • Relax for another 20 minutes and a second sample is taken. (clonidine effect is similar to exercise but it must be taken under supervision of the physician).

Patient must take dexamethazone tablet (1 mg) at 11 pm and a blood sample is taken at 8.5 -9 am on the next day.

A morning blood sample is taken at 8.30-10 am after laying down for 20-30 minutes.

  • Stop taking diuretics, estrogens, hypertension medications, sodium rich food, caffeine, liquorice and tobacco for 2-3 weeks.
  • Morning blood sample is taken at 8.5 -10 am after laying down for 20-30 minutes.
  • Avoid taking nuts, vanilla, tea, caffeine, bananas and hypertension medications (unless doctor says otherwise) for 3-4 days before taking the sample.
  • Morning blood sample is taken from the patient after laying down for 20- 30 minutes.

A blood sample should be collected 12 hours after the last dose and immediately prior to the next dose or as directed by the physician.

  • Trough level: Blood sample is withdrawn 15 minutes or less before the dose.
  • Peak level: Blood sample is withdrawn 2-4hrs after the dose.

Blood sample is taken from pregnant women at the 11th to the 14th weeks of pregnancy.

Blood sample is taken from pregnant women at the 15th to the 22nd weeks of pregnancy.

Blood sample should be taken one month after attack (signs of Jaundice and hemolysis) unless doctor asks otherwise.

Patients must stop anticoagulants (Warfarin (Marivan), Heparine and Heparine Substitutes) for 1 week (if possible and under their doctor’s supervision)

  • Fasting for 12 hours.
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to the test.
  • Stop taking certain stomach medications for several days prior to the test. (up on doctor’s request)

Fasting for 12 hours is required.

Fasting for 12 hours is required.

  • Fasting for 6 hours before the test.
  • Avoid taking stomach medications and antacids for 1 week before the test.

  • Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before the test.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 2 days before the test.
  • Don’t wash the vagina for 1 day before the test. 
  • Wash hands and genitals well with water and soap then with water only.
  • Urinate first drops of urine into the toilet, then the remainder in the sterilized container (taken from the lab).
  • Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before test.
  • In case of sample is taken outside the lab, it must be delivered to lab within 1 hour.


  • Patient is instructed to rinse his mouth with water prior to collection.
  • Avoid eating for 1-2 hours before the sample is collected.
  • Cough out sputum in sterile container.
  • Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before the test.

First morning urine sample without doing any physical effort.

Second morning urine Sample is required.

  • 24 hours urine sample is collected in a special container (taken from lab).
  • Avoid eating Calcium and gelatin containing products for at least 24 hours before the test .
  • 24 hours urine sample is collected in a special container (taken from lab).
  • Avoid eating pineapple, plum, kiwi, nuts, avocados, bananas and tomatoes for 48 hours before the collection.
  • 24 hours urine sample is collected in a special container (taken from lab).
  • Avoid consumption of vanilla, bananas, tea, caffeine, chocolate, nuts and hypertension medications (unless doctor asks otherwise) for 3-4 days before collection.
  • Sexual abstinence for 2-5 days before sample collection.
  • Semen sample is collected in a sterile container provided by the lab.
  • Avoid contact of water or soap with the sample.
  • Sexual abstinence for 3 days prior to analysis.
  • Stop taking antibiotics for at least 3 days before the test
  • Avoid prostate examination for 3 days before the test

Stop antibiotics for at least 3 days before sample collection.

  • The patient starts to urinate in the toilet at a certain time of the day and record this time.
  • All samples after this time will be carefully collected into the container, taking care not to miss any amount till the next day (after exactly 24 hours from the previously recorded time).
  • It is preferred to keep the container in the refrigerator during the collection period and after completing the procedure till it reaches the lab.
  • Exercise should be avoided before the test.
  • Blood sample should be withdrawn without tourniquet.
  • All Previous Instructions are applied at our labs, otherwise described by the physician.
  • Instructions that include stopping any Medications must be under supervision of your health care provider.
  • Smoking is not permitted during fasting hours. Only water is allowed.

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